Friday, March 10, 2017

The ‘American Health Care Act’ Is a Wealth Grab, Not A Health Plan

    In the article "The ‘American Health Care Act’ Is a Wealth Grab, Not A Health Plan", Richard Eskow addresses the American public with the issues related to the GOP's new healthcare plan. Eskow has been a blog member on SmirkingChimp for ten years and may not be the most credible source of news, but his evaluation of the new bill carries some weight. 
     Eskow argues that the Republican’s attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare is a huge disaster thus far. He states that the real effect of the bill is “to increase inequality and make the rich even richer than they’ve become in the last few decades.” The bill is what Eskow calls a “wealth-grab” by the billionaires by providing them with massive tax cuts. He states, “The 400 highest-earning households in the country would get an average tax break of $7 million per year under the Republican plan.” 
     The new plan also hurts the working class by not allowing tax breaks of any kind, not to mention rising premiums for the middle class. Eskow says that this nation’s wealth inequality is currently worse than ever, “The top 10 percent of Americans makes just over 20 percent of the nation’s income, but owns 76 percent of its wealth.” Also, anyone who is currently enrolled in the Affordable Care Act will suffer. According to the article, “the average enrollee will face more than $2,400 in additional costs by 2020.”
     In conclusion, the replacement for the ACA does nothing for low income individuals and families, and greatly benefits the wealthy. 

1 comment:

Ellyn said...

I enjoyed Rachel Fisher's commentary on the Smirking Chimp AHCA article. However, I feel it could have benefited from some of Rachel's opinion. Health care is an interesting subject to me, and I would have enjoyed Rachel's article more if she included information about Richard Eskow's writing style or an analysis of his argument. Rachel's response is well-written, but it could be more in-depth.